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Welcome to Zhejiang Lihua Civil Explosive Co.,Ltd.!


Emulsion granular ammonium nitrate fuel oil mixture

Product Description:

Emulsion granular ammonium nitrate fuel oil mixture is a Porous granular ammonium nitrate fuel oil mixed with certain proportion of latex-based ammonium nitrate fuel oil mixture, which has the advantages of large density, large volume and good water resistance. This product is suitable for open-air blasting project, can also be used for no-gas and no-mine-dust explosion in the underground deep hole blasting project.

Standard: GB28286-2012

Main Specifications Model: 25kg/bag

Technical index:

Detonation velocity ≥2800m/s, Quality assurance period: 30 days.

Contact us:

Office Address: Zhuangshan, Suichang County, Zhejiang Province, China

Registered Address: Zhuangshan, Suichang County, China

Contact: Li Tiangen +86-18805786506

Tel: +86-578-8195479

Sales Tel: +86-578-8195482

Looking forward to your call: +86-578-8195479   8195482
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